![]() Update on all our shenanigans, SO much going on, ty to everyone who has sent us messages of encouragement, you are all part of the team. Dragons Den- We have not had a callback as of yet, but still time or as Kyle said to me this morning " well if don't get in this year, we can go next year, but we probably won't need them then " ha love that kid. Olympic Design for sports team- We sent our vision for the team and the designs are a hit, now we wait and see, big players in the industry are wanting this contract and we foresee and small 100% Canadian made family run business taking it. The clothing line- is going well, we are pretty excited that the Prime minister and the lady who made the maple leaf for our flag will get a front row seat to seeing them at a large event this summer. The documentary - is done and having huge response, we are working on a pretty cool one next, not to be filmed on this continent though. that means travel ..whoop whoop , I am so over due. Barrel racing- I have not competed since last October, This weekend is my first one. Mountain Biking, same thing, not been on my bike since last fall, but that is soon to change too as we get started with our Wednesday Riders after school group. Family- supportive, tolerant and making life a whole lot better, do not know what I would do without them. Me- as insane as ever about living life to the fullest. no limits. cheers - Q
August 2017